BackLash Results-May 4th,2024


Stratton with a gut punch to Naomi. Arm-Drag Exchange. Naomi whips Stratton across the ring. Stratton cartwheels around Naomi. Bayley shoves Stratton. Rollup Exchange. Bayley with a double sledge to Stratton鈥檚 back. Bayley with a running elbow strike across the back of Stratton鈥檚 neck. Bayley follows that with a Sliding Lariat. Bayley sweeps out the legs of Naomi. Second Rollup Exchange. That leads us to a quick standoff in the center of the ring. Double Toe Kick to Stratton. Double Irish Whip. Stratton kicks Bayley in the chest. Stratton decks Naomi with a back elbow smash. Stratton sends Bayley shoulder first into the middle turnbuckle pad. Naomi kicks Stratton in the gut. Naomi dropkicks Bayley. Stratton sends Naomi to the corner. Stratton with a Double Back Handspring Elbow. Bayley goes for a Sunset Flip, but Stratton counters with a Double Foot Stomp for a two count. Stratton hooks both legs of Naomi for a two count. Stratton dumps Naomi out of the ring.

Stratton slams Bayley鈥檚 head on the top turnbuckle pad. Stratton scores the elbow knockdown. Stratton poses for the crowd. Stratton punches Bayley in the back. Stratton hammers down on the back of Bayley鈥檚 neck. Stratton puts her knee on the back of Bayley鈥檚 neck. Bayley with heavy bodyshots. Bayley with forearm shivers. Stratton clotheslines Bayley for a two count. Stratton is putting the boots to Bayley. Stratton uses the middle rope to choke Bayley. Bayley attacks the midsection of Stratton. Stratton answers with a knee lift. Bayley dives over Stratton. Bayley rolls Stratton over for a two count. Stratton with a falling lariat for a two count. Bayley catches Stratton in mid-air. Bayley goes for a Belly to Back Suplex, but Stratton lands back on her feet. Stratton with The Cartwheel Alabama Slam for a two count. Stratton kicks Naomi in the face. Naomi Spears Stratton out of the ring. Naomi with forearm shivers. Stratton sends Naomi face first into the barricade. Stratton with another Double Back Handspring Elbow. Stratton dumps Naomi into the timekeeper鈥檚 area. Bayley lands The Suicide Dive. Bayley is raining down haymakers. Naomi with a Roundhouse Kick. Naomi with The Blockbuster off the barricade. Naomi rolls Stratton back into the ring. Naomi kicks Stratton in the chest. Naomi nails Stratton with The Heat Seeker. Naomi with The Split Legged MoonSault for a two count.

Naomi thrust kicks the midsection of Bayley. Naomi with a Running Bulldog into the middle turnbuckle pad. Naomi puts Bayley on the top turnbuckle. Stratton yanks Naomi off the middle rope. Stratton goes for The SuperPlex, but Naomi gets in the way. Naomi with The SitOut PowerBomb for a two count. Naomi applies The FTG. Bayley with The Flying Elbow Drop for a two count. Bayley hooks the outside leg of Stratton for a two count. Bayley with a Sunset Flip into the turnbuckles. Bayley goes for another Sunset Flip, but Stratton rolls her over for a two count. Bayley drops Stratton with The Bayley To Belly for a two count. Bayley tees off on Stratton. Stratton drives Bayley shoulder first into the steel ring post. Stratton with The Rolling Senton. Naomi pulls Stratton out of the ring. Naomi transitions into a ground and pound attack. Stratton kicks Naomi towards the barricade. Stratton with The Cartwheel Alabama Slam onto the announce table. Stratton gives Bayley the same move on the French announce table. Stratton rolls Bayley and Naomi back into the ring. Stratton goes for The Double PME, but Bayley and Naomi ducks out of the way. Bayley and Naomi drills Stratton with The 1D. Forearm Exchange. Naomi with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Naomi goes for The La Magistral, but Bayley reverses the pinning combination to pickup the victory. After the match, Naomi hugs Bayley.
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  SmackDown Results:May 3rd,2024


Naomi and Kairi Sane will start things off. Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Naomi applies a wrist lock. Sane with a forearm smash. Sane sends Naomi to the corner. Naomi with The Booty Shake. Naomi with The Hesitation Dropkick. Naomi drags Sane to the corner. Naomi tags in BelAir. BelAir with The Handspring MoonSault for a two count. BelAir goes for a Bodyslam, but Sane lands back on her feet. BelAir whips Sane across thering. BelAir ducks a clothesline from Sane. BelAir with a Running Vertical Suplex. BelAir pops back on her feet. BelAir dumps Asuka out of the ring. Sane with The Spinning Back Fist. Bayley tags herself in. BelAir kicks Sane in the face. BelAir is not happy with Bayley. Asuka pulls BelAir out of the ring. Stratton attacks Bayley from behind. Stratton drops Bayley with The SpineBuster for a two count. Stratton and Damage CTRL have complete control of the match during the commercial break.

Forearm Exchange. Asuka decks Bayley with a back elbow smash. Sane with a Sliding Forearm. Asuka with a Sliding Knee Strike for a two count. Asuka tags in Stratton. Stratton punches Bayley in the back. Stratton puts her knee on the back of Bayley鈥檚 neck. Stratton tags in Kai. Kai repeatedly stomps on Bayley鈥檚 chest. Simultaneous tag to Asuka. Assisted Hip Attack for a two count. Stratton sends Bayley to the corner. Stratton with a Back Handspring Elbow. Following a snap mare takeover, Stratton with The Cartwheel Alabama Slam for a two count. The referee is trying to get Naomi out of the ring.

Stratton stomps on the midsection of Bayley. Stratton toys around with Bayley. Stratton knocks Cargill off the ring apron. Stratton shoves Bayley into Naomi. Bayley ducks a clothesline from Stratton. Bayley with a Belly to Back Suplex. Bayley tags in Cargill. Cargill nails Kai with The Pump Kick. Cargill Chokeslams Asuka. Sane ducks a clothesline from Cargill. Cargill catches Sane in mid-air. Cargill with The Uranage BackBreaker. Cargill tags in BelAir. Cargill with The Stinger Splash. Cargill PowerBombs Kai. Assisted Powerslam for a two count. Cargill tosses Sane out of the ring. Asuka with The Missile Dropkick. Naomi responds with The Bubba Bomb. Stratton with a Sliding Knee Strike. Bayley delivers The Bayley to Belly. Kai drops Bayley with The Scorpion Kick. BelAir connects with The KOD to pickup the victory.
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  Smackdown Results:April 26th,2024


Tiffany Stratton brags about taking out Bayley and Naomi last week. She wants to know when Nick Aldis is going to give her a title match. Nick says that it鈥檚 not Tiffy Time, and he was considering sending her to the back of the line, but Bayley convinced him otherwise. Tiffany will have another match with Naomi and the winner will face Bayley for the WWE Women鈥檚 Championship at Backlash.
Bayley joins the commentary for this match. Naomi starts things off with The Lou Thez Press. Naomi transitions into a ground and pound attack. Naomi whips Stratton across the ring. Stratton holds onto the ropes. Stratton retreats to the outside. Naomi with a Baseball Slide Dropkick. Naomi dribbles Stratton鈥檚 head on the ring apron. Naomi rolls Stratton back into the ring. Naomi dives over Stratton. Stratton with a drop toe hold into the middle rope. Stratton with a Running Hip Attack. Naomi buries her shoulder into the midsection of Stratton. Naomi hits The Heat Seeker on the apron. Naomi with a Splitting Scissors Kick off the apron. Stratton regains control of the match during the commercial break. Stratton drops Naomi with The SpineBuster for a two count.

Stratton sends Naomi to the corner. Naomi with The Sunset Flip for a two count. Stratton drives her knee into the midsection of Naomi. Stratton whips Naomi across the ring. Naomi slides under a clothesline from Stratton. Naomi with a Mule Kick. Naomi with a Headscissors Driver for a two count. Stratton blocks The Running Bulldog. Both ladies are knocked down after a double face plant. Naomi kicks Stratton in the chest. Naomi with forearm shivers. Naomi with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Naomi follows that with a Running Bulldog into the middle turnbuckle pad. Nia Jax attacks Bayley from behind. Stratton avoids The Split Legged MoonSault. Naomi tees off on Jax. Jax sends Naomi face first into the steel ring post which forces the referee to call off the match. After the match, Jax drops Bayley with a Running Body Avalanche. Stratton rolls Bayley and Naomi back into the ring. Stratton connects with The Double PME.
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Tiffany Stratton attacks Bayley from behind which forces the disqualification. After the match, Stratton tees off on Naomi. Stratton throws Bayley into the steel ring steps. Stratton drives Bayley face first into the steel ring post. Stratton rolls Bayley and Naomi back inside the ring. Stratton connects with The Double PME. Stratton stands tall over Bayley and Naomi as the show goes off the air.
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  Smackdown Results:April 12th,2024


Tiffany Stratton: Honestly, I thought it was a little rude how I wasn鈥檛 given an opportunity at WrestleMania. I mean, who better than the center of the universe herself to shine on the grandest stage of them all? And you鈥檙e clearly building towards some type of open challenge, and, well, I accept, because it is Tiffy Time.

Bayley: It鈥檚 a little embarrassing. It鈥檚 very nice to meet you, Tiffy, Tiffany. I鈥檓 sorry to burst your bubble, but I was not offering an open challenge. Actually, I had somebody in mind, so sorry. And this person I鈥檝e been very excited to get back in the ring with. This person is a legend in the making. This person made a big return at the Royal Rumble, and that is the one and only, Naomi.

Tiffany Stratton: Naomi? She couldn鈥檛 even win a title if it glowed in the dark. Excuse me, we were in the middle of something. And by the way, I already beat you.

Naomi: You鈥檙e trying me on the wrong night, little girl. Sure, you鈥檝e beaten me before, but here鈥檚 what you don鈥檛 know. I have earned every single thing that I鈥檝e gotten here in the WWE, and I don鈥檛 plan on stopping now. So, Bayley, I can鈥檛 accept your challenge, just yet, because first, I want to take on Clueless Tiffany, right here, and right now.

This match started during the commercial break. Stratton whips Naomi across the ring. Naomi slides under a clothesline from Stratton. Naomi dropkicks Stratton. Naomi pops back on her feet. Naomi with a Wrap Around Bulldog for a two count. Naomi applies a wrist lock. Following a snap mare takeover, Naomi with The Mid-Kick. Naomi with a Leg Drop for a two count. Naomi drops her weight on the left shoulder of Stratton. Naomi with The Dragon Screw Arm Whip. Naomi tells Stratton to get up. Naomi applies a top wrist lock. Stratton backs Naomi into the turnbuckles. Stratton with clubbing shoulder blocks. Stratton applies a rear chin lock. Stratton kicks Naomi in the gut. Stratton talks smack to Naomi. Naomi slaps Stratton in the ribs. Naomi drops Stratton with a Pump Knee Strike for a two count. Stratton reverses out of the irish whip from Naomi. Naomi delivers The Booty Shake. Stratton with a drop toe hold into the middle rope. Stratton with a Running Hip Attack.

Stratton repeatedly stomps on Naomi鈥檚 chest. Stratton with clubbing blows to Naomi鈥檚 back. Stratton hooks the outside leg for a one count. Naomi with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Stratton launches Naomi over the top rope. Naomi with The Roundhouse Kick. Stratton buries her shoulder into the midsection of Naomi. Stratton drives Naomi face first into the steel ring post. Stratton has complete control of the match during the commercial break. Naomi decks Stratton with a JawBreaker. Naomi with a back elbow smash. Naomi kicks Stratton in the face. Naomi with Two Running Crossbody Blocks. Naomi ducks a clothesline from Stratton. Naomi with The Disaster Kick. Naomi plays to the crowd. Naomi with a Corner Dropkick. Naomi with a Low Enzuigiri. Naomi drives Stratton back first into the bottom turnbuckle pad. Naomi hits The Splitting Leg Drop for a two count. Stratton blocks The O鈥機onnor Roll. Stratton with a Running Double Foot Stomp for a two count. Stratton sends Naomi to the corner. Stratton catches Naomi in mid-air. Stratton with The Alabama Slam. Stratton tells Bayley to take notes. Naomi avoids The PME. Naomi with a double leg takedown. Naomi connects with The Jackknife Hold to pickup the victory.
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  SmackDown Results:March 8th,2024


Yim ducks a clothesline from Stratton. Yim with the backslide cover for a one count. Stratton blocks Eat Defeat. Stratton pulls Yim down to the mat. Stratton flexes her muscles. Stratton slams Yim鈥檚 head on two turnbuckle pads. Yim thrust kicks the midsection of Stratton. Yim slams Stratton鈥檚 head on the top turnbuckle pad. Yim with a knife edge chop. Stratton with a drop toe hold into the middle turnbuckle pad. Stratton follows that with a Back Handspring Elbow. Stratton with a Running Double Foot Stomp for a two count.

Stratton stomps on Yim鈥檚 back. Stratton puts her knee on the back of Yim鈥檚 neck. Stratton talks smack to Yim. Stratton tugs on Yim鈥檚 hair. Yim with heavy bodyshots. Stratton with a Belly to Back Suplex for a two count. Stratton kicks Yim in the back. Stratton continues to use the middle rope as a weapon. Stratton with a Running Hip Attack. Yim fights out of the fireman鈥檚 carry position. Yim with The Fisherman鈥檚 Suplex. Yim goes for The Styles Clash, but Stratton counters with The Alabama Slam. Stratton connects with The Prettiest MoonSault Ever to pickup the victory.

Winner: Tiffany Stratton via Pinfall
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  Smackdown Results:March 1st,2024


Collar and Elbow Tie Up. Stratton applies a side headlock. Naomi whips Stratton across the ring. Stratton drops Naomi with a shoulder tackle. Naomi drops down on the canvas. Stratton showcases her athleticism. Stratton talks smack to Naomi. Naomi with a waist lock go-behind. Naomi scores the elbow knockdown. Naomi mocks Stratton. Stratton calls for the test of strength. Stratton kicks Naomi in the gut. Stratton pulls Naomi down to the mat. Naomi reverses out of the irish whip from Stratton. Naomi with a running forearm smash. Naomi repeatedly stomps on Stratton鈥檚 chest. Naomi with a Corner Dropkick for a two count. Stratton launches Naomi over the top rope. Naomi with The Roundhouse Kick. Naomi drops Stratton with The Slingshot X-Factor.

Stratton regroups on the outside. Stratton regains control of the match during the commercial break. Stratton with a Cartwheel Handspring Back Elbow Smash. Following a snap mare takeover, Stratton with a Running Double Foot Stomp for a two count. Naomi buries her shoulder into the midsection of Stratton. Naomi nais Stratton with The Heat Seeker for a two count. Palm Strike Exchange. Naomi with forearm shivers. Stratton avoids The Roundhouse Kick. Naomi with a Pump Knee Strike. Stratton responds with The Spinebuster for a two count. Naomi with a Running Bulldog into the middle turnbuckle pad. Naomi pulls Stratton over the top rope. Stratton rakes the eyes of Naomi. Stratton drives Naomi face first into the top turnbuckle pad. Stratton connects with The PME to pickup the victory.

Winner: Tiffany Stratton via Pinfall
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  Elimination Chamber Results:February 24th,2024


Tiffany Stratton is the next entrant.

Stratton drives Naomi face first into the top turnbuckle pad. Stratton with The Cartwheel Alabama Slam to Becky. Stratton with a pair of back handspring elbow strikes. Stratton follows that with a Running Double Foot Stomp for a two count. Stratton with forearm shivers. Stratton dumps Naomi out of the ring. Becky with a JawBreaker. Becky goes for The Manhandle Slam, but Stratton lands back on her feet. Stratton drops Becky with The SpineBuster for a two count. Stratton drives Becky face first into the canvas. Becky and Stratton are trading back and forth shots. Becky fights out of the fireman鈥檚 carry position. Naomi with a Flying Crossbody Block for a two count. Naomi with three flying forearm smashes. Becky responds with a running haymaker. Becky with The Fallaway Slam. Stratton clotheslines Becky for a two count. Stratton uses Becky鈥檚 legs as a weapon. Stratton puts Naomi and Becky on her shoulders. Stratton with The Rolling Senton. Stratton slaps Naomi in the face. Stratton with a Rolling Senton into Becky. Stratton goes for The PME, but Becky counters with The Avalanche Side Russian Leg Sweep. Naomi with a Running Splitting Leg Drop for a two count. Naomi bodyslams Becky. Naomi with The Split Legged MoonSault. Stratton attacks Naomi from behind. Stratton drives Naomi shoulder first into the steel ring post. Naomi hooks the outside leg for a two count. Liv Morgan is the next entrant.

Morgan with The Lou Thez Press. Morgan transitions into a ground and pound attack. Morgan punches Stratton. Morgan tosses Stratton around the chamber. Morgan rocks Becky with a forearm smash. Morgan with a BackStabber to Becky. Morgan with a CodeBreaker to Naomi. Morgan pops back on her feet. Morgan with Three Running Hip Attacks. Morgan with Two Rising Knee Strikes. Morgan nails Becky with The Flying CodeBreaker for a two count. Stratton with a Double Foot Stomp for a two count. Naomi dropkicks Stratton. Stratton decks Naomi with a JawBreaker. Naomi blocks The Cartwheel Alabama Slam. Naomi scales the chamber. Becky with The Exploder Suplex into the steel. Becky applies The Dis-Arm-Her in the steel. Stratton slams Becky鈥檚 head on the steel. Morgan with a drop toe hold into the bottom turnbuckle pad. Morgan with a Double Foot Stomp. Naomi responds with The Sunset Flip. Stratton wisely rolls Naomi over to score the first pinfall of this match. Naomi has been eliminated. Raquel Rodriguez is the next entrant. Rodriguez with a running shoulder tackle. Rodriguez with two clotheslines. Rodriguez follows that with The Black Hole Slam for a two count.

Rodriguez catches Becky in mid-air. Rodriguez repeatedly drives Becky back first into the steel. Rodriguez with The Fallaway Slam. Rodriguez repeatedly swings Stratton against the steel. Morgan is throwing haymakers at Rodriguez. Rodriguez launches Morgan to the corner. Rodriguez levels Morgan with The Body Avalanche. Morgan kicks Rodriguez in the face. Rodriguez blocks The CodeBreaker. Rodriguez with a Vertical Suplex into the steel. Rodriguez goes for The Chigona Bomb, but Becky counters with a chop block. Becky delivers her combination offense. Double DDT to Rodriguez for a two count. Forearm Exchange. Becky with a Spinning Back Kick. Stratton blasts Becky with The Pounce. Bianca BelAir is the final entrant. BelAir ducks a clothesline from Stratton. BelAir with a big right hand. BelAir puts Stratton in a pod. BelAir with two shoulder tackles. BelAir dropkicks Becky. BelAir with a Tilt-A-Whirl GutBuster to Morgan. BelAir with The Delayed Vertical Suplex. BelAir pops back on her feet. Stratton tugs on BelAir鈥檚 ponytail. BelAir drops Stratton with The SpineBuster. BelAir ducks a clothesline from Rodriguez. BelAir with forearm shivers. Rodriguez catches BelAir in mid-air. Rodriguez blocks The KOD. Rodriguez with The Big Boot. BelAir sends Rodriguez tumbling to the floor. Rodriguez goes for a Vertical Suplex, but BelAir counters with a Spinning DDT for a two count.

Stratton attacks BelAir from behind. Stratton with clubbing blows to Rodriguez鈥檚 back. Stratton lays Rodriguez flat on the top turnbuckle. Morgan with a Diving Seated Senton off the chamber pod. Becky tees off on Stratton. Stratton denies The Manhandle Slam. Stratton sends Becky crashing into Rodriguez. Stratton lands The Swanton Bomb off the chamber pod. Second Forearm Exchange. Stratton with a Rolling Senton to Morgan. Morgan blocks The PME. Morgan hits The Avalanche Flatliner. Tiffany Stratton has been eliminated.
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  Smackdown Results: February 23rd,2024


Bianca BelAir is watching this match from the ringside area. Morgan ducks a clothesline from Stratton. Morgan blocks a boot from Stratton. Morgan with a forearm smash. Stratton exits the ring. Stratton is trying to leave. Morgan attacks Stratton from behind. Morgan throws Stratton into the steel ring steps. Morgan rolls Stratton back into the ring. Morgan hooks the outside leg for a two count. Stratton drives Morgan face first into the middle turnbuckle pad. Stratton with The Discus Lariat for a two count. Stratton kicks Morgan in the ribs. Morgan with a shot the midsection of Stratton. Stratton slams Morgan鈥檚 head on two turnbuckle pads. Stratton goes for a Bodyslam, but Morgan lands back on her feet. Morgan drops Stratton with The BackStabber for a two count. Morgan sends Stratton to the corner. Morgan with a Running Hip Attack. Stratton kicks Morgan in the face. Stratton with a Double Foot Stomp for a two count. Stratton with a Biel Throw. Stratton levels Morgan with The Body Avalanche. Morgan responds with The Crucifix Driver for a two count.

Stratton regroups on the outside. Stratton has complete control of the match during the commercial break. Stratton puts her knees on the back of Morgan鈥檚 neck. Stratton applies a rear chin lock. Morgan with heavy bodyshots. Stratton rocks Morgan with a forearm smash. Stratton toys around with Morgan. Morgan with rapid fire haymakers. Stratton drives her knee into the midsection of Morgan. Running Forearm/Knee Lift Exchange. Stratton decks Morgan with a back elbow smash. Morgan with two diving shoulder tackles. Morgan kicks Stratton in the chest. Morgan with a Pump Kick. Morgan with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Morgan pops back on her feet. Morgan follows that with a Running Hip Attack. Morgan with a Rising Knee Strike.

Morgan delivers The Flying CodeBreaker for a two count. Stratton responds with The SpineBuster for a two count. Stratton drags Morgan to the corner. Stratton goes for The PME, but Morgan ducks out of the way. Morgan with a Double Foot Stomp. Morgan with a Side Russian Leg Sweep for a two count. Stratton answers with a JawBreaker. Stratton blocks The CodeBreaker. Stratton hits The Cartwheel Alabama Slam for a two count. Morgan stops Stratton in her tracks. Morgan with The Springboard Sunset Flip PowerBomb for a two count. Stratton drives Morgan face first into the announce table. Stratton slaps BelAir in the face. Morgan with The O鈥機onnor Roll for a two count. Morgan knocks BelAir off the ring apron. Stratton rolls Morgan over to pickup the victory.

Winner: Tiffany Stratton via Pinfall

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  Monday Night RAW Results:Febraury 19th,2024


Tiffany Stratton: Excuse me, it鈥檚 Tiffy Time

Naomi: You鈥檙e interrupting Glow Time

Tiffany Stratton: Naomi, girl, while you鈥檙e out there trying to make another name for yourself, you left an empty space. And the only space that I鈥檓 concerned about is being the center of this universe. And besides, nobody cares about the past. And looking at all of you, that is all I see. Been there, done that, the future is me, and her name is Tiffy.

Bianca BelAir: Okay, Tiffany, you know what? I know you might be new around here, which explains why you don鈥檛 know what running your mouth might get you. But baby girl, don鈥檛 get it twisted, I am EST and I鈥檝e been at the Tiffy Top for a very long time. And at Elimination Chamber, you鈥檙e going to find out that you will never be me, do like it me, or be better than me. Now, there is one thing I have done that neither of you ladies have done, that is win the Elimination Chamber Match. And at WrestleMania this year, I鈥檓 going to continue my undefeated streak. So, respectfully, if I have to, I鈥檒l pin you, you, you, you and definitely you, to get to WrestleMania, because you can鈥檛 spell WrestleMania without EST.

Tiffany Stratton: Bianca, girl you are so last year. No, like, literally, you peaked last year.

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