Smackdown Results: February 23rd,2024


Bianca BelAir is watching this match from the ringside area. Morgan ducks a clothesline from Stratton. Morgan blocks a boot from Stratton. Morgan with a forearm smash. Stratton exits the ring. Stratton is trying to leave. Morgan attacks Stratton from behind. Morgan throws Stratton into the steel ring steps. Morgan rolls Stratton back into the ring. Morgan hooks the outside leg for a two count. Stratton drives Morgan face first into the middle turnbuckle pad. Stratton with The Discus Lariat for a two count. Stratton kicks Morgan in the ribs. Morgan with a shot the midsection of Stratton. Stratton slams Morgan鈥檚 head on two turnbuckle pads. Stratton goes for a Bodyslam, but Morgan lands back on her feet. Morgan drops Stratton with The BackStabber for a two count. Morgan sends Stratton to the corner. Morgan with a Running Hip Attack. Stratton kicks Morgan in the face. Stratton with a Double Foot Stomp for a two count. Stratton with a Biel Throw. Stratton levels Morgan with The Body Avalanche. Morgan responds with The Crucifix Driver for a two count.

Stratton regroups on the outside. Stratton has complete control of the match during the commercial break. Stratton puts her knees on the back of Morgan鈥檚 neck. Stratton applies a rear chin lock. Morgan with heavy bodyshots. Stratton rocks Morgan with a forearm smash. Stratton toys around with Morgan. Morgan with rapid fire haymakers. Stratton drives her knee into the midsection of Morgan. Running Forearm/Knee Lift Exchange. Stratton decks Morgan with a back elbow smash. Morgan with two diving shoulder tackles. Morgan kicks Stratton in the chest. Morgan with a Pump Kick. Morgan with a Step Up Enzuigiri. Morgan pops back on her feet. Morgan follows that with a Running Hip Attack. Morgan with a Rising Knee Strike.

Morgan delivers The Flying CodeBreaker for a two count. Stratton responds with The SpineBuster for a two count. Stratton drags Morgan to the corner. Stratton goes for The PME, but Morgan ducks out of the way. Morgan with a Double Foot Stomp. Morgan with a Side Russian Leg Sweep for a two count. Stratton answers with a JawBreaker. Stratton blocks The CodeBreaker. Stratton hits The Cartwheel Alabama Slam for a two count. Morgan stops Stratton in her tracks. Morgan with The Springboard Sunset Flip PowerBomb for a two count. Stratton drives Morgan face first into the announce table. Stratton slaps BelAir in the face. Morgan with The O鈥機onnor Roll for a two count. Morgan knocks BelAir off the ring apron. Stratton rolls Morgan over to pickup the victory.

Winner: Tiffany Stratton via Pinfall

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