NXT Results:September 19th,2023


name; the game remains the same. Gigi Dolin, Elektra Lopez, Thea Hail, Roxanne Perez. I鈥檓 going to be here for a while, and I can go the extra mile, so how about we have a scrap, Ivy Nile? Give me the baddie, Jacy Jayne, you know I鈥檒l retain. I鈥檓 the mountain to climb, welcome to the big time. I love you guys so much, it feels so good to be back. It feels so good to be back and represent you, because you are what makes this. But speaking of time, Tiffy Time is over. But I will give credit where credit is due. Last week, Tiffany Stratton hung with The Man. She pushed me to my limit, and for that, she will get her rematch whenever she wants it, she earned it. She may be an idiot, she may be an asshole, but she is athletic.

Tiffany Stratton: Um, excuse me. Yeah, hi. I鈥檝e heard enough, actually. Look, I appreciate the flowers, Becks, but I will get a rematch because I deserve a rematch. Look, I know you鈥檙e a WrestleMania Main Eventer, you鈥檙e The Man, you鈥檙e the number one girl, but I鈥檓 Tiffany Stratton. I am the future of WWE. And I am future 2x NXT Women鈥檚 Champion. You want to be a fighting champion, right? So what do you say? Tiffy Time vs. Becky Time? Round 2 for the NXT Women鈥檚 Championship, tonight? Aww, I knew you guys would love that, which is why it鈥檚 not happening. You know, these losers actually cheered for me every single week until you showed up here. I want my rematch on a bigger stage. I want my rematch in Bakersfield, California at No Mercy.

Becky Lynch: I told you, Tiffany, you can have your rematch whenever you wanted. But I鈥檓 telling you, right now, the result will be the same. And not because you鈥檙e not good enough, but because you鈥檙e not hungry enough. You think I haven鈥檛 seen this before? You think I haven鈥檛 seen people like you come in here and had a rocket strapped to your back and everything handed to you, and you become entitled? But this NXT, with these people, has the same feel as the NXT I came up in. And when it comes down to it, it鈥檚 who wants it more. And even after 10 years here, I want it more than you.

Tiffany Stratton: Aww, cute, Becky. You know, you should actually be thanking me for your return to NXT. Because if your name never came out of my mouth, you would have never returned. Instead, you would be driving to the nearest retirement home, in search for the next Hall Of Famer to get yourself more clout.

Becky Lynch: Alright, Tiffany. Well, one thing is for sure, you鈥檙e a better fighter than you are a talker. So how about instead of trying to go, word to word with The Man, how about we go, punch to punch.

Becky starts throwing haymakers at Stratton. Kiana James attacks Becky from behind. Stratton and James gangs up on Becky. Stratton grabs a steel chair.

Stratton and James attacks Becky before the bell rings. Stratton and James gangs up on Becky. Stratton rolls Becky back into the ring. Stratton repeatedly stomps on Becky鈥檚 chest. Lyra Valkyria storms into the ring and dishes out a flurry of clotheslines. Valkyria shoves Stratton into James. Stereo Clotheslines. Stratton and James retreats to the outside. All hell starts breaking loose in Winter Park. This match will now change into a standard tag team match. Becky rolls James back into the ring and the bell finally rings. Becky repeatedly slams James head on multiple turnbuckle pads. James tags in Stratton. Stratton with a forearm smash. Becky slams Stratton鈥檚 head on the top turnbuckle pad. Becky throws Stratton back into the ring. Becky sends Stratton face first into the canvas. Becky avoids The Running Seated Senton. Becky with a Hook Kick. Becky with a flying forearm smash in the corner. Becky tags in Valkyria. Double Irish Whip. Valkyria sweeps out the legs of Stratton. Becky with a Running Leg Drop. Valkyria hooks the outside leg for a two count.

Stratton rocks Valkyria with a forearm smash. Stratton tags in James. Valkyria with a drop toe hold. Stratton applies a front face lock. Stratton transitions into a side headlock. Becky made the blind tag. Becky with a Flying Bulldog for a two count. James blocks The Manhandle Slam. James with a straight right hand. Becky sends James tumbling to the floor. Becky with a Baseball Slide Dropkick. Becky with a flying forearm smash off the ring apron. Becky ducks a clothesline from Valkyria. Valkyria dropkicks Stratton through the ropes. Becky rolls James back into the ring. Becky kicks James in the chest. Becky with a Roundhouse Kick. Becky dives over James. Becky ducks a clothesline from James. James blocks The Dis-Arm-Her. Becky kicks James in the face. Becky knocks Stratton off the apron. James attacks Becky from behind. James repeatedly stomps on Becky鈥檚 chest. James tags in Stratton. Stratton does the same exact thing. Stratton puts her knee on the back of Becky鈥檚 neck. Stratton with a Running Hip Attack for a two count.

Stratton sends Becky to the corner. Stratton with a forearm smash. Stratton and James continues to put the boots to Becky鈥檚 chest. James buries her shoulder into the midsection of Becky. James with a running shoulder block. Stratton with a Double Back Handspring Back Elbow. Following a snap mare takeover, Stratton with a Running Double Foot Stomp for a two count. Stratton applies a front face lock. Becky with a forearm/uppercut combination. Becky kicks Stratton in the face. Stratton yanks Becky off the top turnbuckle. Stratton applies a front face lock. James tags herself in. James kicks Becky in the chest. James with clubbing shoulder blocks. James pulls Becky down to the mat. James applies a rear chin lock. Becky with an arm-drag takeover. Becky with forearm shivers. James sends Becky face first into the canvas. James dishes out more shoulder blocks in the corner. Stratton tags herself in. Becky kicks James in the face. Becky side steps Stratton into the turnbuckles. Stratton tags in James. James stops Becky in her tracks. Becky avoids The Elbow Drop. Becky tags in Valkyria.

Valkyria with two clotheslines. Valkyria with two mid-kicks. Valkyria follows that with a SpringBoard Crossbody Block. Valkyria delivers her combination offense to James. Valkyria with The Bridging Northern Lights Suplex for a two count. Stratton and James goes for a Double Suplex, but Becky gets in the way. Stereo Toe Kicks. Becky and Valkyria regains momentum. Stereo Guillotine Leg Drops for a two count. James punches Valkyria in the back. James goes for a Belly to Back Suplex, but Valkyria lands back on her feet. Stratton knocks Valkyria off the middle rope. Becky tees off on Stratton. Stratton drives Becky face first into the steel ring post. James PowerBombs Valkyria. James tags in Stratton. Stratton with The Swanton Bomb for a two count. Becky and James are tagged in. Becky with a Missile Dropkick. Becky with a DDT/Reverse DDT Combination for a two count. Becky applies The Dis-Arm-Her. James kicks Becky in the face. Becky tags in Valkyria. Becky hits The Mandhanle Slam. Valkyria connects with The Flying Splash to pickup the victory. After the match, Stratton attacks Becky and Valkyria with a steel chair. Becky grabs the microphone and says that she鈥檚 going to change their title match at NXT No Mercy to an Extreme Rules Match.

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