NXT 2.0 Results:January 25th,2022


Tiffany Stratton walks up and insults Stark鈥檚 outfit, saying she found it on the clearance rack. Stratton says Shirai will have plenty of time to find a new partner after she defeats her tonight. Stratton walks off and Shirai rants in Japanese.We go back to the ring and Tiffany Stratton is wrapping her entrance up. The bell rings as Shirai and Stratton size each other up. They trade holds and work on each other鈥檚 arms as fans rally for Shirai.

Stratton takes Shirai down and rocks her from the corner. Stratton holds her own until Shirai plants her face-first into the mat for a big pop. Shirai taunts Stratton as fans chant her name. Shirai runs the ring and nails a basement dropkick for a 2 count. Stratton avoids a Crossface submission and makes it to the bottom rope.

Stratton capitalizes off a distraction and levels Shirai, then talks some trash to boos. Stratton grounds Shirai and yells at the crowd. Stratton keeps the hold locked in, rag-dolling Shirai on the mat a bit. They get back up and Stratton keeps control, but shows some frustration.

Shirai finally rocks her with a big open-hand strike to get an opening. Shirai with the running double knees in the corner now. Shirai slams Stratton and goes to the top for the big moonsault. She nails it and covers for the pin to win.Back from the break and Tiffany Stratton is walking backstage, on the phone with her dad complaining about how unfair the referee was. Wendy Choo appears and tells her not to feel bad because everyone loses to Io Shirai. Stratton slaps Choo鈥檚 drink away and walks off. Choo complains about her free refill.
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