NXT Results:December 12th,2023


Josh Briggs, Brooks Jensen, and Fallon Henley vs. Meta Four In A Six Person Mixed Tag Team Match where we get glimpse of Tiffany Stratton overserving the match from the locker room.After a while Tiffany Stratton comes out and Henley starts brawling with Tiffany Stratton. Kelly Kincaid had a backstage interview with Tiffany Stratton. She wants to vent. She鈥檚 so sick and tired of Fallon Henley. Fallon is beneath her on so many levels. Tiffany wants to show Fallon where she truly belongs.
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  Nxt 2.0 Results:November 23rd,2021


Back from the break and we get a 鈥渃oming soon鈥 vignette for Tiffany Stratton. She talks about how she was not born with a silver spoon in her mouth because silver is tacky, and how her father has been paying for her tennis lessons, so she has the best serve out of everyone at the country club. Her dad believes she鈥檚 ready for NXT and he鈥檚 never wrong. Stratton says it鈥檚 time to take over NXT.
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