Smackdown Results:February 2nd,2024


Naomi and Tiffany Stratton have officially joined the blue brand. Stratton wants to know where her celebration is. She鈥檚 willing to fight the best competition and gets right up in Bianca BelAir鈥檚 grill. Stratton slaps Mia Yim in the face. Mia tells Nick Aldis that she wants to stand on business tonight.
Yim with a Shotgun Dropkick. Yim is throwing haymakers at Stratton. Yim repeatedly slams Stratton鈥檚 head on the top turnbuckle pad. Yim whips Stratton into the turnbuckles. Yim kicks Stratton in the chest. Yim transitions into a ground and pound attack. Yim is putting the boots to Stratton. Yim with a GutWrench Suplex. Yim with a Vertical Suplex for a two count. Stratton uses her feet to create separation. Yim with a Wrecking Ball Dropkick. Stratton blocks The PK. Stratton drives Yim face first into the ring apron. Stratton poses for the crowd. Stratton has complete control of the match during the commercial break. Yim with forearm shivers. Stratton responds with a drop toe hold into the middle rope. Stratton with a Running Hip Attack.

Stratton with a Running Double Foot Stomp for a two count. Stratton talks smack to Yim. Yim slaps Stratton in the face. Yim with a chop/forearm combination. Yim whips Stratton across the ring. Yim clotheslines Stratton. Yim SuperKicks Stratton. Yim dropkicks Stratton. Yim with a NeckBreaker. Stratton blocks a boot from Yim. Yim with a straight right hand. Yim drops Stratton with The Draping CodeBreaker for a two count. Stratton denies Eat Defeat. Stratton pulls Yim down to the mat. Stratton hits The Cartwheel Alabama Slam for a two count. Yim fights out of the fireman鈥檚 carry position. Yim with a Spinning Back Kick. Yim with an Overhead Kick. Stratton negates CodeBlue. Stratton with The Rolling Senton. Stratton connects with The Prettiest MoonSault Ever to pickup the victory.

Winner: Tiffany Stratton via Pinfall
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