NXT Results:Janaury 2nd,2024


Henley immediately attacks Stratton after the bell rings. Henley slams Stratton鈥檚 head on two turnbuckle pads. Stratton reverses out of the irish whip from Henley. Henley drops Stratton with a shoulder tackle. Henley dumps Stratton out of the ring. Stratton pulls Henley out of the ring. Henley with a straight right hand. Henley slams Stratton鈥檚 head on the ring apron. Stratton fights out of the fireman鈥檚 carry position. Henley is throwing haymakers at Stratton. Henley with a back chop. Henley rolls Stratton back into the ring. Henley hooks the outside leg for a two count. Stratton with a gut punch. Following a snap mare takeover, Henley avoids The Sunset Flip. Henley with a drop toe hold. Henley with a low leg lariat. Stratton blocks The Sliding Haymaker. Stratton drives Henley face first into the steel ring post. Stratton with The Alabama Slam into the apron. Stratton poses for the crowd. Stratton rolls Henley back into the ring.

Stratton punches Henley in the chest. Stratton whips Henley into the turnbuckles. Stratton levels Henley with The Body Avalanche. Stratton repeatedly whips Henley back first into the turnbuckles. Stratton applies a rear chin lock. Stratton drives her knee into the midsection of Henley. Stratton pulls Henley down to the mat. Stratton with clubbing mid-kicks. Stratton tells Henley to put her foot down. Henley slaps Stratton in the chest. Stratton with a drop toe hold into the middle rope. Stratton with a Running Hip Attack. Misfired Clotheslines. Both ladies are knocked down after a double clothesline. Forearm Exchange. Stratton with The Kitchen Sink. Henley with a Spinning Back Kick. Henley clotheslines Stratton. Henley with a Spinning Bulldog. Henley with a running back elbow smash. Henley repeatedly stomps on Stratton鈥檚 chest.

Henley throws Stratton into the ringside barricade. Henley rolls Stratton back into the ring. Henley with a Flying Crossbody Block for a two count. Short-Arm Reversal by Stratton. Stratton buries her knee into the midsection of Henley. Stratton goes for The Cartwheel Alabama Slam, but Henley counters with The Crucifix Bomb for a two count. Stratton blocks The Vertical Suplex. Henley dives over Stratton. Stratton drops Henley with The SpineBuster for a two count. Stratton with The Rolling Senton. Henley avoids The Prettiest MoonSault Ever. Henley decks Stratton with a back elbow smash. Henley with a Headscissors Takeover to the outside. Second Forearm Exchange. Stratton dumps Henley face first on the apron. Stratton rolls Henley back into the ring. Stratton grabs a steel chair. Henley thrust kicks the midsection of Stratton. The referee snatches the chair out of Stratton鈥檚 hands. Henley connects with The Shining Wizard to pickup the victory.

Winner: Fallon Henley via Pinfall
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